Well its official, Jonah is one years old today! Where has the time gone? Impossible to fathom that it was just 1 year ago that Jonah made his grand enterance into this world (see D-Day post). September 17th was just like any other day except that night when I went to bed because I wasn't feeling 100%. I had a pain on my left side and chaulked it up to pulling a muscle climbing into bed. The imense pain I awoke to on Saturday September 18th around 3:30 am, clued me in that this was no ordinary pain. And so it was off to the hospital we went...roughly 3 hours later at 6:23 am Jonah graced us with his presence (and boy did he make his presence known). So here we are 1 year later and my little man no longer looks like this:
but now looks like this:
The past month as been full of many many happenings.... Jonah tried lots of new foods...banana's, chicken nuggets, hamburger, apple juice, shredded cheese, spaghetti, diced pears and diced peaches to just name a few. Oh and most importantly whole milk! Yes we've officially been free of baby formula for 2 weeks now. Once the formula canister ran out it was time to get some milk from a plastic jug! WOW can't tell you how nice it is to spend $3 for 1 gallon of milk versus $25 for a can of formula.
Jonah is much much more mobile these days. He can take anywhere from 5-10 steps without holding on to anything. He's also getting much much faster. He cruises around the furniture at lightening fast speed. He still stumbles and wobbles quite a bit...looks more like someone who has indulged in a few too many beers but it's still quite cute nonetheless.
Jonah is also much more curious and intuitive these days. Don't get me wrong, he still loves to stand on everything he can get his hands on (that must be a boy thing) but he also likes to look over and discover what this button or knob will do. He also loves to mimic what you say. Stella and I were singing some top 40 hit lyrics that goes like this "la-la-la" and Jonah decided to sing along and he too chimed in and began singing "la-la-la."
Jonah and Stella's bond continues to grow each and every day! She simply adores him and he adores her. If she leaves the room, he yells "tella, tella, tella!" Jonah loves to walk to Stella and if she is lying on the floor, he will crawl all over her and play tackle her. It's an unique and amazing sibling bond that can never be replicated. Jonah has also added a few more words to his vocabulary this past month... "te-ta" and "sis" and if he wants something he will point at it and speak gibberish.
My little man has grown way too fast! This past year has gone by in a flash. I can hardly believe that our 7lb miracle is now a 25+lb monkey!
Happy Birthday Jonah! Mommy, Daddy & Stella love you very much and wish you many more blessed birthdays!
Jonah's one year photos contained in this blog post were taken by Katie Allietta at Little Captured Moments Photography!